About Hydro.Cymru
From feasibility, to planning and construction
A Better Tomorrow
Hydro.Cymru has a wealth of experience in helping communities and landowners to utilise the natural resources available on our doorstep here in Wales to generate electricity and work towards a more sustainable future.
We're a small business based in north Wales that offer a reliable, friendly and professional service to help you fulfil your renewable goals. With the capability and expertise to take you through the whole journey from start to finish, contact Hydro.Cymru for advice and guidance on your project.
We offer the following services:
site visits and feasibility
gaining consent (planning permission, water abstraction license)
detailed design
construction and project management
Take a look at some of the projects we've been involved in.
100 KW community hydro scheme
Hydro.Cymru was involved from the feasibility stages through to the project management. Guidance and advice was given to the community group involved and supervision of the build that was carried out by local contractors. Scheme became operational in June 2017.
50 KW private hydro scheme
Involved from the start with gaining all necessary permissions through to construction as the main contractor. Scheme became operational in January 2022.
34 KW hydro scheme for farm and campsite
Worked with landowners to design a scheme that would work for them and their business. Gained all necessary permissions and completed the build on time as the main contractor. Scheme became operational in November 2020.
100 KW scheme for developer
Hydro.Cymru was involved in the early stages of gaining permissions and detailed design. The developer was an experienced civils contractor and therefore carried out the build. Hydro.Cymru was there to support the project as needed throughout this period. Once completed, Hydro.Cymru was again involved, this time in organising contracts to sell the electricity and maximise the income for the customer.
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